I: Answers....you want answers ...Don't you? You seek answers to your questions..
Me: Yes ,there are too many questions which trouble me.. too many doubts.. too many niggles...they grow on me ...I try to fight them but then they grow back..
I : Man by nature is a weak person , so he seeks answers....All of us seek answers to questions we pose to ourselves. And throughout our lives we keep on searching for the answers which would satisfy our needs and desires . Answers which can wash away the blues ,justify the struggle, the pains ,the sufferings and the tragedies.
We all seek answers ..each and everyone of us. A businessman sees money as the answer to all his problems while a religious person sees God as the answer to the ills. A scientist sees an equation as the justification to all the phenomena that happen...A lovelorn finds answer in love .
Throughout our lives we all seek answers . And when at the end of it all ,the journey concludes the answer unfolds itself,we gaze at it and wonder and we ask ourselves, has the journey been worth the answer?
what do you mean? I do not understand...
It is the question ... it is the question which drives us my boy...it is the question that accompanies us and not the answer ...it is the question which is our friend , our visionary .The answer presents itself only at the end while the question is our constant companion. the question is permanent, the answer is ephemeral.the question is certain , the answer is suspect. The question is the struggle , the journey, the fight while the answer is the culmination, the destination ,the end .
while bother about the answer so much, why not enjoy the question Why worry yourself about the end so much ? why not enjoy the fight?
So you mean to say that we should stop seeking answers?
no, we are all human.. and since we are all human, we all have weaknesses and so we seek answers to cover up our weaknesses.. We can never stop seeking answers.. But if you ever want to get to the answer that you seek , it is very important that you ask the right question...
..The right question?
Yes, the right question ...The right question is "why" and not "who" or "what"...
Who we are is an opinion which we have about ourselves , a justification, a point of view ,nothing more,but "why " we are is the truth, ultimate and pure, the fundamental reason of our existence
Similarly "what" we do is again an opinion , which others have about our work, or we have about it. But "why" we do something is more significant . .
if you ever want to get to the answer which tempts you , it is very important to keep asking "Why"? "why" will show you the path. help you make the correct choices and truly guide you.
but what or who will misguide you or will melt before the journey concludes, will induce errors in judgment..
Me :
you are confusing me..
the point is ..keep asking yourself "why" you are and not "who " 0r "what" you are...you will find the journey more rewarding, more fulfilling, more enriching, less painful,
more peaceful,
and what is the answer to your "why"
That only you can know... It is only for you to seek...